Here I Am.

 F i n a l l y. This song is out. 

I wrote it already late in the year 2004 and has lived a life on its own in many ways and in many places. At the time I remember walking heartbroken on the streets of Helsinki in ice cold rain and feet soaking in the wet snow. Not the most pleasant memories. But life is life and that´s how it goes sometimes :) The song was also played on some gigs at the time. And also an early demoversion was on my MySpace account since 2005 and then somebody ripped it from there to Youtube a few years later. Fast forward to this day…

It’s been ready for a release for quite some time already and actually the making of it started on the very same day I established my Instagram-account. Which my good friend and producer-partner-in-crime J. Backlund encouraged me to do it. And even took the first photo ever released on the account. (Btw I couldn’t start the account with my own name because there were already some accounts under the same name, which is weird ’cos I believe that in the world population of almost 8 billion there is not a single person with the same name🤓. So that is the real story behind the account name ”Rickriku”. I somehow remember that IG itself came up with that name in the suggestions or something😁)

The song itself is almost in the age of an adult now when it is released. This version revisited a metamorphosis to a bit more of a modern direction which I think suits the song itself and serves the overall ambient mood really well. I wanted to change the clothes a bit but keep the core same. Although I know that the song’s previous demoversion has already lived a life of its own in the real world for many many years. And it has been meaningful to many people which is the most amazing feedback what a songwriter can get. ❤️🙏 And as time goes by I guess there will be different versions of it as well. And why not make your own one as well, if you feel like! ;)

Although the song’s story is about broken love it is known that time will heal and things will eventually get better as time goes by. And now that the last two years’ social distancing is luckily more out of the fashion and the restrictions are finally getting looser I think and hope nobody should feel too alone. I also wish that this song and other songs and music could reach and help people in the most acute problems what the world has encountered now in the really recent days <3

Peace. Take care of yourselves and the people around you!

Stay safe, healthy and tuned! -RR


“Smile is the prettiest you can wear.”

